Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fix it First!

New park benches, trash cans, plants and cement planters  have been popping up in the Garment District the last few weeks.  The same pretty objects were installed in the River Market earlier this year.  The DCID has been installing these beautiful (and somewhat useful) items.  I love that the city is making an effort to make the nice neighborhoods even nicer.  The only problem I have is that some basic infrastructure needs repaired before things are made pretty.

The images below show new planters on a crumbling sidewalk next to a broken hydrant.  Paint lines show they have at least identified this hydrant as broken, but no repairs have been made.  I've written about this very hydrant in another post back in June.

All I ask is for the basics be in good shape before the pretty stuff is added.  Seems realistic to me!  Lake WTF should also be drained!

Broken hydrant and crumbling sidewalk, but new planters

Some of the new planters in the River Market
(although the sidewalks here are too small for such large planters)

Who can forget Lake WTF...it's still there!


  1. I love you watchdogness and your willingness to get some answers!

  2. I called the City about Lake WTF. No response. It's on 8th.

  3. The Kansas City School District and Library District -- not the City -- are paying for 60% of the improvements in the River Market. The TIF Commision used $1 million in PILOT payments for the improvements to be made.
