Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I'm going to try this once. I'm writing this post to break out of being so unfocused. I have a theory that if I can accomplish one task that I really enjoy for more than 3 minutes than I can become focused (and centered if you will). Initially sitting in my car with no radio during lunch break was my option, but it's still HOT outside. I settled on writing a blog because I'm sitting at my computer and the screen never changes unless I input text or images. I don't have a size limit to this post, so it's going to be as long as it takes to regain focus.
My hypothesis is that the blog is just enough movement so that my brain doesn't have to stop abruptly and hurt itself. The amount of technology that lives in my life my ADD tendencies to flair up at times. I've got the television, which is attached to a computer. In that computer lies many forms of entertainment; including Media Center for cable, Hulu, Netflix and regular internet usage. Those are all controlled by a remote and a wireless keyboard with a track pad. I can access this entertainment from the 3 main sitting areas in my loft. Next, after the television, I have a laptop and a smart phone. The smart phone travels with me to work, where there's work to be done, and internet to be had. On the internet, I've gotten very addicted to Google Reader. I have nearly 50 blogs I skim daily. Reaching upwards of 500 individual blogs/day. I've been good about not getting addicted to yet. It could happen easily one day...when I run out of material on Reader (GL with that)!
Now, there's another issue with the items mentioned above. I usually interact with many of them at one time. Sit in bed while the TV is playing...logging time on the laptop reading and when a page loads, I grab my smart phone and check something..anything.
I'm pretty sure my brain is over stimulated 50% of my average day. It's probably too much, but I don't have kids and it doesn't danger my job, so I don't plan on fixing it. I just need to avoid those moments of extreme over stimulation of media. Which is why I wrote this post. I am happy to report that my focus is much better. I'm going to get up from the desk for a few moments, but I will return to work since lunch is about over!
Glad your experiment had a happy conclusion. It is so easy to become distracted with all the distractions we have (easy) access to. I read a shirt yesterday (I mean, I saw the image of the shirt online) that said, "I don't read books. I read Facebook status updates." I am so guilty of this, even though I love reading. Just another example of how little, always changing tidbits of information worm their way way in and out (should I say through?) our heads. It takes time to focus and really absorb things, but it's so hard to slow down.