I've grown fond of having our new urban lake, Lake WTF, located at 8th and Central KC, MO. It's a convenience for me to have a lake so close to take my dog to on a hot day, but not so convenient for the persons who pay to park in that parking lot. I've lived in that part of the Garment District for 4 years now and have never seen that lot collect so much rain water. I assume at some point it's going to be come a mosquito breeding ground, but until then, it's a nice spot for my dog to cool off.
This collection of water is going to need to be drained soon. As you can see from the photos, it has gotten much larger with the many rainstorms KC has received. The addition of today's Tornadic rainstorm has caused the lake to over flow into the street. The newly landscaped area between the two trees is going to suffer because these plants are drowning. I do not believe the new plantings are at all of rain garden standards, so they cannot withstand this much moisture. Thus destroying tax payer property. I don't think the DCID employees will be pleased to see their work destroyed.
I hope to find out who owns this lot and what they plan on doing to remedy this situation. From the Google Maps image, there maybe a drain in the center of the lake that needs cleared. I'm suprised the tenents of the lot haven't been up in arms about this issue. I know they aren't happy and you cannot tell from the images, but the original sign was replaced with a more weather durable sign made from the cover of a 3-ring binder. (Excellent idea!)
Here's Lake WTF on May 10th...(don't mind the dog cooling off)
Here's Lake WTF on May 25th...
Here's Lake WTF River...
And down the street a little further, it's slowly filling up this parking spot.
Here's a car trying to drive and park in Lake WTF...
Don't worry too much about the car, they could have used the entrance off of Central. They are from Kansas, I won't tease them too much!
Looks like the owner needs to clean out the drain, see it on Google street views http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=8th+and+central+kansas+city+mo&aq=&sll=37.230328,-95.712891&sspn=51.227313,113.994141&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Central+St+%26+W+8th+St,+Kansas+City,+Jackson,+Missouri+64105&ll=39.104655,-94.586899&spn=0,0.027831&t=h&z=16&layer=c&cbll=39.104655,-94.586731&panoid=J6snuDjy-cGtdcL7MBxfLQ&cbp=12,186.47,,0,0
ReplyDeleteIndeed Anonymous...Indeed!