Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Devil is in the details

One of the key items the Kansas City Mayor Mark Funkhouser needs to campaign for re-election in 2011, is a highly visible campaign headquarters.  That is exactly what Mayor Funk, as the free buttons read, got when he moved into a store front on 523 Walnut.  This location is so transparent, I was able to view something that irks me to no end, which has brought me to create an entire blog on the subject.  Mayor Funhouser's headquarters does not recycle.  There I said it.

Recycling for a very small office seems like a little thing, but it shows me that he and/or his staff is not in the habit of recycling.  You can clearly see a small trash can from the sidewalk.  I took this photo on 12/10/10.  I took the image because I had walked by less than two weeks before and saw the same type of mixed material in the trash.  There are aluminium and paper recycling spots within 1-2 blocks of this site. Deffenbaugh also offers recycling pick-up.  There's no excuse to not recycle.

I'd ask any Kansas City Mayoral Candidate to lead by example and promote recycling at home, the headquarters and in the future, the Mayors Office.  Is that too small of a request? 

Mayor Funhouser Headquarters

Close up view of the trash can.

1 comment:

  1. Why recycle. Aluminum, paper, and glass come from the most abumdant resources on the planet.
